
SSH root login on Ubuntu 18.04 / Linux

If you have installed a server based on the Ubuntu 18.04 operating system, root access is passive with the installation.

In this article, we tried to explain how to open root access on Ubuntu in 4 easy steps.


1 - Since our server is newly installed, we first need to create a password for root, after logging into the server normally, let's follow the steps below.

 The first command we need to type is;


sudo passwd



〉 〉 Then the password of the first created normal user is entered on the screen that appears as follows


[sudo] password for sunucu:



〉 〉 〉 Create a password for root and confirm by entering it twice


Enter new UNIX password:



Retype new UNIX password:



〉 〉 〉 〉 If you have seen the text below, the password for root has been set successfully

passwd: password updated successfully


2 - Now we need to edit the necessary permissions to login to root login via SSH, we will provide this by typing the code below into the terminal


sudo sed -i 's/#PermitRootLogin prohibit-password/PermitRootLogin yes/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config



3 - Finally, we confirm the transactions by performing SSH Restart.


sudo service ssh restart



4 - Your transactions have been successfully completed! You can now have full access to your server with root and the password you set over SSH.



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  • ubuntu, ubuntu 18.04, ssh, ssh root login, ubuntu root giriş, ubuntu root ekleme, ucuz vds, uygun vds, sunucu, vds, ubuntu root login, ssh root login on ubuntu

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