
Ubuntu Missing Disk Space on Wew Installation?

In Ubuntu operating system, sometimes we encounter a discrepancy in the available disk space after installation compared to the space we used during the installation process.

For instance, even though we selected 160GB of disk space during installation, we might only see around 79GB after the installation process.

Bu yazımızda Ubuntu üzerinde nasıl ilk disk alanına ulaşabileceğinizi göstereceğiz.


- Since our server has been newly installed, let's start by logging in as the root user and then follow the steps below.

The first command we need to enter is;


lvextend -l +100%FREE /dev/ubuntu-vg/ubuntu-lv



〉 〉 Afterward, execute the following command;


resize2fs /dev/ubuntu-vg/ubuntu-lv



- Your actions have been successfully completed! Now, you can view the new disk space on Ubuntu with the following command.


df -h




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  • vds, VDS Sunucu, vps, VPS Hosting, Ubuntu, ubuntu 18.04, Ubuntu Disk Missing, Ubuntu Disk

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